miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Amazonas in fire = Paris Notredame Ritual

What is the razon for the amazonas and notredame church burned in simultainy in this year what is the purpose of the fire and what does it mean? In this first post let's find out what behind all this
The bolsonaro goverment insist thath fault of the ONG and by the ONU and various govertment allies a the establisment for ''climatic change'' accuse it was a hard blow for this planet, the thuth is that nobody know what is cooked in the amazon but they are doing a huge campaing to make it massive event and the media report only one side of what happens there, generating high doses of hysteria in the people. that naively think that burns the lungs of the world...

Thousand of people replicating in their social networks, (how instagram, facebook,reddit) ''that the world is in a dangerous'' ''Pray4amazonia'' the same happened in the paris event of ''Notradame burning'' wich was a worldwide trend with the hashtag ''Pray4paris''. two events in two different places but with something in common ''social hysteria and fire''.

thousands of false images circulated through the networks

 and some presidents and media took the opportunity to campaign politically....

In the paris incident thousand people could see how the cathedral was set on fire,

the repercussion on the internet were there same although in these they managed to raise to money to repair it. the sums they raised were millonaires...

the truth is that these espontaneus fires are not a coincidence and they are connected to each other in net of pagan rituals addressed to the god of fire ''prometheus'' and to the god of celtic mitology ''belenus''. Is holiday is known as ''beltane'' wich celebrates the arrival of the new sun as the main custom of ligthing large bonfires.. this cult is celebrated mainly in Ireland, Scotland, Galicia Spain and  The Man Island
 this culture of the sun and fire is currently know as the worship of the god Apollo, fires are a sign of adoration to this god. than in ancient times was know as enlil son nergal this god was related to the black sun or shamash.

In babilonian it was know as ''tammuz'' and it was the month of the sin of the golden calf to whom they rendered sacrificial rituals as a welcome to the new sun. In turn it was know as the bull ''baal'' that was in the company of the owl ''molok'' represented in the woman ''ishtar''.

In conclusion, these fires, as well as that of the Amazonas and that of Catedral de NotreDame of Paris where before the arrival of summer a clear indication of a very ancient ritual to the fire and the arrival of the Black Sun or who could be his son ''Lucifer''. This rituals was know by the Druid Celts as ''Bel-enus'' who was adopted from the phoencian rites to god ''Bel'' who also in the Middle East is know as ''Ball'. This is the satanic form they adopted to transform the world through symbols and thousands of events that move millions of people.